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If I ask you to start thinking then what will your answer be? 

I guess that your answer will be, "Nope..........We are not thinkers.” 

But if I ask you another simple question,

 “Do you read?”. 

Your response, should, certainly be positive. 

This is  because you read even if you don’t want to. 


While travelling for instance, you read bill boards, advertisements, traffic sign boards and many other stuff that hit your sight. 


You are a reader and  you should be a thinker too. It is simply impossible to read something without thinking. 

So all of us, being able to read, are thinkers in one way or the other. 

But don’t worry.

I am not talking about great thinkers of times like Plato, Aristotle, Pythagoras or Burton Russell because all of them are the sages of ages.

In fact, all of us think in one way or the other but we normally don't think to write what we think. 

Principally we should, at least, be able to write in our mother tongue if not in a foreign language or second language.  

The question is that what writers do?  

The simple answer is  that writers can translate, their words on paper, what they think in their skull.

Let me tell you that Mother Nature has been very kind to all human beings as He taught them to think, to speak and to write. 

The only effort you need is to put on the Medium of Expression that is called Language. And the language you are reading now is English, a wonderful means of expression, and an International Language of communication.

Let me tell you........

My own experience of writing was very intimidating and embarrassing. 

I would set on my chair in front of my desk, thinking and brainstorming for hours but would leave my pen and paper on the table without writing a single meaningful sentence. 

Yes writing becomes intimidating when you expect to write masterpiece with artful precision  and with correct grammar in your first attempt.  

You can think fast because your thinking is a function of your mind and you see your destination momentarily that you had already done it. 

But that is not the case Slow down please............

Reaching that destination needs a lot of painstaking efforts and slow practice with punctuality. 

So you need to slow down at this moment because "haste makes nothing but waste".  


The famous proverb, “Slow and steady wins the race.”

Becoming a good writer is not an easy job but if you start your journey today and adhere to your goal then one day you will become a good writer. 

The key to start writing is to ask some simple questions from yourself such as;

Write about what?

Who are you writing for?

What problems can you solve for your audience?

Start your practice today with the following instructions.  

  • Start Books Reading instead of watching TV.
  • Try to Write Everyday.
  • Try to develop clear thinking about Your Topic.
  • Decide your Audience which means who is going to read your stuff.
  • Take your due time for preparatory work on Your Topic. ...
  • Work hard on grammar and structured English.
  • Improve your vocabulary. More reading results in good vocabulary.
  • Work hard on Introduction and Summary.
  • Re-read your work and revise if needed.
  • Develop critical thinking.
  • Avoid illogical expressions and relations.
  • Don’t hate criticism.
  • Imitate Writers You Admire (for your practice only.)
  • Eliminate Unnecessary Words
  • Don’t use bombastic words and expressions.
  • Don’t draw illogical conclusions OR results based on presumptions.


How to become a Writer Part-II


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