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Showing posts with the label Learn a Foreign Language

EXCLUSIVE: Asad Toor UNCENSORED gets access to abducted journalist Matiu...

Learn A Foreign Language

                            Learn A fo reign Language Our globe is now just like one village where the dwellers are diversified in race, religion, color and language. They communicate in one way or the other while connected through social media 24 hours a day. The mobile apps are so wonderful that any one living any where on the globe can enjoy sharing what they see and desire. To enjoy the stuff coming in to your cell phone or laptop like rain fall, one should learn at least one foreign language. If you’re thinking about making the effort to learn a foreign language rather than expecting the world to accommodate your monolingualism, you are losing...... The advantages of learning foreign languages are mushrooming as the world becomes increasingly globalized and bilingualism is now perhaps the most useful real world skill to ever exist, rather than just an entertainment. When you learn a foreign language, you can exer...