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Our National Grid is Obsolete.

The advent of smart power grids marks a revolutionary step towards a sustainable energy future, particularly in integrating green energy sources by households into the national grid. 

Globally, traditional power grids are being either replaced or modified to accommodate renewable energy, enabling greater efficiency, reliability, and environmental benefits.

With the increasing adoption of solar panels, wind turbines, and other green energy systems by individual households, the integration of these decentralized energy sources into a unified smart grid is becoming inevitable. Smart grids not only empower consumers to actively participate in the energy market but also enhance grid stability and promote energy independence.

By leveraging advanced technologies such as real-time data analytics, demand-response systems, and distributed energy resource management, smart power grids are paving the way for a resilient, consumer friendly and sustainable energy infrastructure.

It’s a huge challenge for our government, for policy makers and for all stake holders to update our national grid according to the latest grid requirements. We must take this matter very serious otherwise we will be in great trouble soon.

Let's have a short comparison of conventional and smart grid

Conventional Power Grid:

1.       One-way Communication Only:

i.  Energy flows from the Generation Point to the consumer in one direction only.

ii. Limited or no feedback from consumers to the utility about electricity usage in real-time.


2.       Manual Monitoring and Control:

i.   Monitoring and control of the grid are often manual.

ii.  Fault detection and recovery can be slow, leading to longer outages.


3.       Centralized Power Generation:

i.  Electricity is generated at large, centralized power plants (e.g., coal, nuclear, hydroelectric).

ii.   Limited integration of renewable energy sources.


4.       Predictive Maintenance: 

MUsually scheduled or reactive after a fault occurs.


5.       Basic Metering:

i.    Traditional meters measure total energy consumption over a billing period.

ii.   No detailed usage data is available to consumers or utilities.


Smart Power Grid:

1.       Two-way Communication:

i.     Electricity and data flow both ways between the utility and consumers.

ii.    Real-time data on energy usage is collected and analyzed.


2.       Automated Monitoring and Control:

i.  Advanced sensors and automated systems monitor and control the grid.

ii.  Quick fault detection and automatic re-routing of power to prevent outages.


3.       Decentralized Power Generation:

i.    Integration of various distributed energy resources.

ii.  Support for small-scale power generation and storage systems at the consumer level.


4.       Predictive and Condition-based Maintenance:

  i.  Advanced analytics predict equipment failures before they occur.

  ii. Maintenance is based on the actual condition of the equipment.


5.       Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI):

        i. Smart meters provide detailed, real-time data on energy consumption.

      ii.  Enables dynamic pricing, energy efficiency programs, and better demand response.

It is hoped that our policy makers will pay 

due attention to this serious matter.


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