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How To Become a Writer (Part II )


The essence of becoming a writer lies in one crucial element: our own MOTIVATION.

It is true that each of us possesses a degree of motivation, driven by an inherent desire to share and persuade others of our viewpoints. We communicate naturally because it is embedded within us. Our unique styles of expression are written in our very DNA.

What is fascinating is our strong yearning to be heard.

The motivation I refer to is enough to turn us into at least novice writers, if not accomplished ones. While it is often said that great writers are born with a gift from the God, I believe that writing is an art that can be cultivated through practice.

You might be pleased to learn that mastering the art of writing is akin to learning a sport. Whereas sports require physical activity, developing writing skills is a mental endeavor.

This mental activity involves engaging your mind. Your mind can initiate this process as soon as you decide to start writing.

To embark on this mental journey, you must temporarily embrace isolation. This isolation means deliberately seeking solitude, creating an environment devoid of friends or relatives. It may be challenging, but it is necessary.

Attempt to practice this exercise at least once a month, if more frequent sessions are not feasible. Disconnect from all gadgets, setting them aside for the duration of your solitude, which should last no more than three to four hours.

Your writing environment should consist of a table, a chair, a writing pad, and a pen. Begin brainstorming and try to capture your thoughts in writing at that moment. If you find yourself stuck, turn off the lights. Reflect, and eventually, an idea will spark—a thought you feel compelled to share. Start writing while the lights are off.

Ignore concerns about language, grammar, and sentence structure. Simply jot down whatever comes to mind.

Remember, your brain and your mind are distinct. The brain is the hardware, a network of countless neurons and memory locations. Your mind's task is to think—a function separate from the brain itself. During brainstorming, your mind will utilize your brain's capabilities.

Congratulations! By now, you should grasp the concept of brainstorming.

A tip: if ideas elude you despite multiple attempts, write about the events of your day. Describe the occurrences and your experiences.

This blog continues...

Stay tuned for more insights...


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