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Industrial Revolution (Continues)...

  Industrial Revolution (IR1-IR2-IR3-IR-4) In my earlier post only the first industrial revolution was generally discussed. Let us discuss the detail of four stages of Industrial Revolution. First Industrial Revolution - IR1 (Year 1765): Mile Stone in the History of Mankind… Abraham Darby-I  (14 April 1677 – 5 May 1717, the first and best known of  several men of that name ), was a British  iron master  and  foundry-man . He lived in a small village called Coal Brook Dale in Shrophire County, England. Shrophire is called the cradle of industrial revolution because it was Abraham Darby who discovered how to melt iron ore using coke for heating. (Coal is converted to coke by heating without air). The First Revolution was driven by limited use of  steam engines ,  interchangeable parts  and  mass production and was largely water-powered (especially in the United States). Second Industrial Revolution – IR2   (Year 1870). ...