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Showing posts with the label START READING

For Beginners Only

  This blog is for you        IF You are a beginner and English is the Second Language for you.                                      Then Do the Following................. Ø    Start reading books written for school going students. If you feel them hard then start from the stuff written for Kids. Ø    Start writing new words that you come across while reading. You must write these words with meanings with your pen in a proper notebook for future reference.  It seems a little hard to start but you will get the habit of noting stuff and will enjoy this practice later on.  Words written with your own pen have better reflection in your mind and quick recalling when you need them. Ø    Search the meanings of new words in dictionary. You may search meaning online if you don’t have hard copy of standard dictionary.  (I recommended Merriam Webster Dictionary for American and Oxford Advance Learner Dictionary for British English). Ø    Before starting new lesson you should go thro