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Knowledge Versus Wisdom


What is Wisdom?  

Wisdom is the ability or result of an ability to think and act utilizing knowledge, experience, understanding, common sense, and insight

It is associated with attributes such as unbiased judgmentcompassion, critical thinking, resolving disputes impartially and virtues such as ethics, counseling, clarity of thinking and good decision making.

Knowledge, on the other hand usually, refers to information or awareness that someone has about a subject, whether from education or experience. 

It may also comprise of facts and figures gathered regarding any field of interest either in a systematic way or random way for instance a public survey.

If you’re talking about sense, insight, or judgment (things that concern how we process or act on knowledge or experience), the word to reach for is wisdom. But, on the contrary, if you’re dealing strictly with information, understanding, or awareness, the word you’re looking for is knowledge.


Normally wisdom and knowledgeable are interpreted as similar notions and considered as interchangeable which is not correct. 

In fact, being intelligent and being wise are quite different things.

After detailed studies and research, psychologists conclude that wisdom involves certain cognitive processes that afford unbiased, sound judgment in the face of ill-defined life situations like intellectual humility or recognition of limits of own knowledge, appreciation of perspectives broader than the issue at hand and sensitivity to the possibility of change in social relations.

It is very unfortunate to state that while wisdom requires education but education may not necessarily fill the skull of people with wisdom.



Wisdom is a virtue that goes beyond knowledge and learning. It cannot be taught but can only be acquired through experience. 

Anyone who is interested in trying new things shall inculcate the ability to gain wisdom.

 By learning as much as you can, analyzing your experiences and putting your knowledge to the test, you can become a wiser person.

Golden Words of Great Albert Einstein about Wisdom


"Wisdom Is Not a Product of Schooling But of the Lifelong Attempt to Acquire it."

The blog on this subject continues…………….….. Thanks.



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