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Energy Crisis and IPPs

  In the last 30 years, Pakistan has faced an epic energy crisis, and the government has fumbled spectacularly in trying to match supply with demand. For some mysterious reason, policymakers have completely ignored green energy options like hydro power, solar, and wind energy. It could be a lack of political will or just plain laziness of the ruling elite. Our politicians seem to be afflicted with a chronic case of "poor decision-making." They love quick fixes, no matter how expensive or impractical. Ironically, Pakistan is supposed to be a democracy, with leaders elected by the people. Yet, they craft policies that are completely out of touch with what the population needs. The topic of electricity tariffs has become the favorite subject of endless debates because, despite all the talk, the energy crisis remains as persistent as ever.  Not investing in green energy is almost criminal. Households can't afford fossil fuel energy, and to make matters worse, the cost per kil

Industrial Revolution (Continues)...

  Industrial Revolution (IR1-IR2-IR3-IR-4) In my earlier post only the first industrial revolution was generally discussed. Let us discuss the detail of four stages of Industrial Revolution. First Industrial Revolution - IR1 (Year 1765): Mile Stone in the History of Mankind… Abraham Darby-I  (14 April 1677 – 5 May 1717, the first and best known of  several men of that name ), was a British  iron master  and  foundry-man . He lived in a small village called Coal Brook Dale in Shrophire County, England. Shrophire is called the cradle of industrial revolution because it was Abraham Darby who discovered how to melt iron ore using coke for heating. (Coal is converted to coke by heating without air). The First Revolution was driven by limited use of  steam engines ,  interchangeable parts  and  mass production and was largely water-powered (especially in the United States). Second Industrial Revolution – IR2   (Year 1870). Henry Bessemer in 1856 laid the milestone by inventi


  Mother Nature has been very kind to all His creatures. For instance, a bald eagle can spot its prey, the size of a rabbit three miles away, with its  huge  eyes.  Similarly each creature has been bestowed with specific capability like reptiles use various forms of locomotion to move from place to place but with the restriction that they cannot fly like birds.  You will be stunned to know that most fishes are  Ectothermic  ("cold-blooded"), allowing their body temperatures to vary according to the temperature of water they live in.  All such capabilities are  inborn and these wonderful creature use them unknowingly.   All the creatures have limited capabilities but that is not true for humans. We, the Homo-sapiens are bestowed with numerous characteristics, qualities, powers and capabilities that can be used simultaneously and intelligently.  We can think, hear, look, talk and balance ourselves while we are walking or running. The term “ Homo-Sapiens ” means “the wise huma

Silent Work

The Marvels of Silent Work The immense power harnessed by the Sun and the air to lift water from the oceans in form of clouds, transport it across vast distances, and release it as rain is beyond imagination. Engineers have calculated that the energy required to create and lift vapor from one acre of the Earth's surface equals the power of thirty horses. For the entire planet, this force is 800 times greater than all the natural water power combined.  Mother Nature has been performing this extraordinary task for the benefit of humankind since the dawn of time. Human achievements of similar magnitude, accomplished quietly through moral and intellectual strength, reveal such phenomena. The influence of ideas alone has permeated entire nations, crossed oceans, and transformed the very foundations of human society.  A single book can carry the silent force of thought, inspiring masses in one country and inciting action against another. World War I, World War II, and numerous regional a

Learn English

START LEARNING  ENGLISH LANGUAGE  AND YOU WILL Enhance your communication skills. ... Unlock the door of global business........ Improve your brain power. ... Open the doors Knowledge.... Learn Science easily..... Learn Information Technology....... Enjoy Social Media........ Enjoy travel more. ... Learn about other cultures. ... Enhance your memory and problem-solving skills. ... Enjoy literature, films and music...... Learn about other countries... Understand Socio-political systems across the globe.... Improve your career prospe cts and much more............

Learn A Foreign Language

                            Learn A fo reign Language Our globe is now just like one village where the dwellers are diversified in race, religion, color and language. They communicate in one way or the other while connected through social media 24 hours a day. The mobile apps are so wonderful that any one living any where on the globe can enjoy sharing what they see and desire. To enjoy the stuff coming in to your cell phone or laptop like rain fall, one should learn at least one foreign language. If you’re thinking about making the effort to learn a foreign language rather than expecting the world to accommodate your monolingualism, you are losing...... The advantages of learning foreign languages are mushrooming as the world becomes increasingly globalized and bilingualism is now perhaps the most useful real world skill to ever exist, rather than just an entertainment. When you learn a foreign language, you can exercise the powers of being able to understand what someone is saying, r