
Showing posts with the label Industrial Revolution Continues

Energy Crisis and IPPs

  In the last 30 years, Pakistan has faced an epic energy crisis, and the government has fumbled spectacularly in trying to match supply with demand. For some mysterious reason, policymakers have completely ignored green energy options like hydro power, solar, and wind energy. It could be a lack of political will or just plain laziness of the ruling elite. Our politicians seem to be afflicted with a chronic case of "poor decision-making." They love quick fixes, no matter how expensive or impractical. Ironically, Pakistan is supposed to be a democracy, with leaders elected by the people. Yet, they craft policies that are completely out of touch with what the population needs. The topic of electricity tariffs has become the favorite subject of endless debates because, despite all the talk, the energy crisis remains as persistent as ever.  Not investing in green energy is almost criminal. Households can't afford fossil fuel energy, and to make matters worse, the cost per kil
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