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Showing posts from July, 2024

A Muslim Man Enters a Church - They Laughed

Fan of Sunshine

  I am an engineer by profession, and I've always been skeptical of psychological treatments, thinking they were just a bunch of unrealistic stuff about changing beliefs and personal grudges. But now, I have changed my mind. Ever since we installed a solar system at home, I've become the sunshine's biggest fan, even during the baking summer heat. Now, clouds make me melancholic, and I find myself in a state of despair when our solar panels aren't generating maximum energy. In the past, I'd curse the sun's very existence as I trudged through the sweltering midday heat for some urgent task. But now, not even the promise of rain can lift my spirits if it means fewer rays for our precious solar setup. Isn't it ironic how selfish we humans can be? We cheer on the blazing summer sun just because it powers our air conditioners, while ignoring the plight of our neighbors who haven't jumped on the solar bandwagon yet. Clouds, once a sign of relief, have becom

Learn to Earn

The Highway to Success Hi Everyone, Today's topic is very interesting: "Learn to Earn." If you remove the letter "L" from "Learn" (which stands for laziness), you are left with " Earn." In fact, I am trying to convince you that just remove your laziness from your life and start living a wonderful life. Learning and earning are interconnected in the journey towards success. In today's rapidly evolving world, the ability to continuously learn and adapt to new challenges is more crucial than ever. This essay explores the significance of "Learn to Earn" as a guiding principle for personal and professional growth. Continuous Learning: A Foundation for Success Learning is a lifelong process that encompasses acquiring knowledge, developing skills, and gaining insights. In a dynamic and competitive environment, individuals who embrace continuous learning are better equipped to notice changes, seize opportunities, and achieve their goals