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Showing posts from June, 2024

What is procrastination?

  Procrastination is a widespread issue, a detrimental habit that robs us of valuable time and causes us to delay important tasks.  This behavior often results in stress due to missed deadlines and a decline in the quality of work. Understanding the root causes and effects of procrastination is crucial for developing strategies to overcome it and regain punctuality. Fear of Failure A primary reason for procrastination is the fear of failure. People often postpone tasks to avoid potential criticism. This fear is frequently linked with perfectionism, where the desire for flawless outcomes leads to inaction. Complex Tasks The overwhelming nature of certain tasks is another significant factor in procrastination. Large or intricate projects can appear intimidating, prompting individuals to delay starting them. Due to lack of time management, certain important activities are ignored or not focused upon and hence are missed. Digital Distractions In today's digital age, endless sources

Lithium Ion Battery Versus Lead Acid Battery

 Lithium-ion and lead-acid batteries are two of the most common types of rechargeable batteries used in various applications. Lithium-ion batteries are known for their high energy density, lightweight design, and longer life, making them ideal for electric vehicles and domestic solar system.  In contrast, lead-acid batteries, although heavier and with a shorter lifes, are cheaper which are used in automotive starting and backup power applications.  This comparison will dig into the major differences, advantages, and disadvantages of each type to help determine which is better suited for your needs. Key Words/Terms to understand the difference. Energy Density: The storage capability of battery is the electrical energy such Watt-Hour (Wh) per unit mass i.e Kg. Charge Density can be written as WH/kg. Electrolyte: A liquid, gel or some times solid which contains ions/charges for flow of electric current through the battery. Charge /Discharge Cycle:   A discharge/charge cycle is commonly

Read The Book Of Nature

  There are countless chapters in the great book of nature.  As human beings we begin to read  this book of wonders  from the moment we open our eyes to the world.  Let's explore some of the most notable chapters. Gravity stands out as a remarkable chapter in this Great Book. Consider this simple question: Can we walk on the ground without gravity? The answer is undoubtedly no. Humans enjoy walking on earth, a reality that existed  before Isaac Newton's discovery of gravitational attraction. We've learned from biology that humans have five senses: vision, hearing, touch, smell, and taste.  But hold on...  there's also a sixth sense called the sense of balance. Losing this sense would lead us to fall due to gravitational attraction. Now, let's talk about the Sun. This celestial body constitutes another remarkable chapter in the Book of Nature. The sun serves as the nucleus of our planetary system, around which all the planets orbit. It's the primary source of ene

Green Energy and Tough Tariff Regime -The Pakistan's Dilemma.

  SAMA NEWS 2 nd   June 2024 "Solar users face new charges under proposed net metering reforms."   "Power Division proposes 50% cut in net metering buyback rate." In a significant move to amend the existing net metering rules, Pakistan’s Power Division has begun working on changes aimed at balancing the benefits for solar energy users with the financial burden on other electricity consumers. The proposed amendments, which are set to be submitted to the National Electric Power Regulatory Authority (NEPRA) in July, include sending net metering power to the national pool and introducing capacity charges for net metering users. One of the major changes under consideration is a 50% reduction in the net metering buyback rate. This reduction aims to extend the period for recouping investments in solar power from the current three years to seven years.   Comments:  The D.G i.e. Distribution Generation of households, is primarily based on PV (Photo Voltaic) panels/In