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Showing posts from October, 2023

Energy Crisis and Private Power

  The last three decades witnessed severe energy crisis in Pakistan and the government has persistently failed to bridge the gap between supply and demand of electric power.  The policy makers, for unknown reasons didn’t pay any attention to green energy such as Hydel, Solar power and Wind energy. The other reason might be the lack of political will of the ruling elites to put serious efforts on projects for ensuring sustainable and continuous power supply.  It is very unfortunate to know that our political elites suffer from a chronic disease, "Poor  decision making".  They normally, opt for ad hoc solutions to any crisis, no matter how costly they are. On the contrary, it is believed that Pakistan is democratic country and political elite comes in power through popular vote.  But they frame policy against the need of population.  Electricity tariff has been a hot topic for debate as energy crisis continues persistently till date. Due to mushroom growth in population resulti


  If I ask you to start thinking then what will your answer be?  I guess that your answer will be, "Nope..........We are not thinkers.”  But if I ask you another simple question,  “Do you read?”.  Your response, should, certainly be positive.  This is  because you read even if you don’t want to.  How? While travelling for instance, you read bill boards, advertisements, traffic sign boards and many other stuff that hit your sight.  Hence You are a reader and  you should be a thinker too. It is simply impossible to read something without thinking.  So all of us, being able to read, are thinkers in one way or the other.  But don’t worry. I am not talking about great thinkers of times like Plato, Aristotle, Pythagoras or Burton Russell because all of them are the sages of ages. In fact, all of us think in one way or the other but we normally don't think to write what we think.  Principally we should, at least, be able to write in our mother tongue if not in a foreign language or

Industrial Revolution (Continues)...

  Industrial Revolution (IR1-IR2-IR3-IR-4) In my earlier post only the first industrial revolution was generally discussed. Let us discuss the detail of four stages of Industrial Revolution. First Industrial Revolution - IR1 (Year 1765): Mile Stone in the History of Mankind… Abraham Darby-I  (14 April 1677 – 5 May 1717, the first and best known of  several men of that name ), was a British  iron master  and  foundry-man . He lived in a small village called Coal Brook Dale in Shrophire County, England. Shrophire is called the cradle of industrial revolution because it was Abraham Darby who discovered how to melt iron ore using coke for heating. (Coal is converted to coke by heating without air). The First Revolution was driven by limited use of  steam engines ,  interchangeable parts  and  mass production and was largely water-powered (especially in the United States). Second Industrial Revolution – IR2   (Year 1870). Henry Bessemer in 1856 laid the milestone by inventi

Industrial Revolution and Construction Industry

  The start and end of the Industrial Revolution  is widely debated by scholars and historians. The period from about 1760 to 1840 has been generally accepted as industrial revolution by chronologists.  During that period there was a transition from creating goods by hand to using machines. As you know that Industrial development has remolded the living patterns of humankind around the globe.  The momentum of industrialization ushered Europe, the United States of America, and much of the world into the modern era of living style.  In fact The Industrial Revolution was the transition from creating goods by hand to those by using machines preliminary as stated above.  But now those machines are  fully automatic and remotely controlled using advance technology such as robotics that save time and energy and completes the assigned task very accurately.  (Note: Exhaustive detail of Industrial Revolution with its stages will be discussed in next blog.) The mentioned breakthroughs in the

Become WISE

  How to Cultivate Wisdom It's commonly believed that wisdom comes with life experience, yet this isn't entirely accurate. We don't automatically become wise as time passes. However, there's no need for disappointment because the path to wisdom lies in embracing new experiences. However... Why wait for chance opportunities in our daily lives? Instead, let's proactively work towards creating opportunities that challenge the status quo. Status quo refers to the existing state of affairs, where change is stagnant and no one is actively seeking change. To understand this perspective, we need to grasp some fundamental concepts:   Knowledge: Knowledge encompasses facts or ideas gained through study, investigation, observation, or experience. As the famous saying goes, knowledge is power. Therefore, seeking knowledge should be our constant endeavor, as it's the first step towards success. Wisdom: Wisdom is the ability to make sound judgments based on knowledge. It invo